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Is cheating out of control

Is cheating out of control
  • Yes, cheating is out of control and it's a selfish act. When someone cheats on their mate this implies that they have no respect for the feelings of their mate or, they want to have their cake and eat it too. Cheat with someone else and enjoy themselves, but have the security of coming back to their mate. If the mate being cheated on knows and does not resolve the problem and stays in the situation then they are an enabler of cheating.
  • You know what i agree with you. Its selfish yea but what if they didnt feel loved in their relationship. Yes i know your gonna say talk to them but they did and they just wouldn't listen even when the tried to end the relationship.Did you think about that?
  • To me cheating shouldn't be in a mans month. He should treat his wife how he wants to be treated. Men are always talking about how they don't want there parter to cheat. But then they turn around and do i t.