Where is the Rinch super egg in dino run
Where is the Rinch super egg in dino run
The rinch egg is in level 3. It is also at the speed run planet d. You need to finsh the game on insane to unlock planet d. (you can use cheats to unlock planet d) I hope you enjoyed my help! ps. (if you hold 1,2 or 3 while your running !@#$%^&* will pop up over you dinos head!)
-i did not enjoy that help at all. i know you were trying to help but you didn't tell me how to get to insane! i cant use the info you gave me unless you tell me how! : (>: (
Answer from Bababysd: You want to change your difficulty to insane?
This is how:
1. Go to the Options menu
2.In the top-left corner, you will see these words: "Difficulty:[easy,medium or hard]
3. Click on the word that writes after ":" and continue with clicking until it says "Insane!"
4. If important, change game mode to challenge
5. Click on Play. Good luck! :)