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How do you make a shirt on roblox

How do you make a shirt on roblox
Well you gotta be at least builders club, then go to my stuff or character and click shirts. Then ya gotta click create, and download the shirt template. Next, open sumopaint, ( and click on open sumopaint and start fooling around. Then get the magic wand tool and click on the individual arms, torsos,etc.
(only one at a time) Then get the eraser and set the diameter to 256, and click on the spot. The magic wand makes only that part erase. repeat this step until the torso and arms are gray and white checkered. It is a sign that it is transparent on roblox. then save the template with the same name, (Shirt template) and exit then re enter sumo paint. Then you wont see the magic wand blue border anymore, so it's safe to paint and make your shirt. after making the shirt, save it with a different name and on the same screen where you downloaded the template, upload your shirt. Then just wait several minutes for it to pend approval. (Which means you can't have any innapropriate content on the shirt). Then go to configure to name, describe, and sell your shirt. It may seem complicated typed in all these words, but trust me, it's not. (Remember to save it as a png, or else it won't be transparent) Add me as a friend on roblox, my username is PunkRox.THX FOR READING AND ADD ME!!!! PLZ?