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Elder scrolls oblivion

Elder scrolls oblivion
uhh, im not sure exactly what you're asking, but im going to take a shot...

You are in the impeerial prison when the emperor and his heirs are attacked. his sons die, and when escaping, his route leads through you cell. you follow him and his guards called " The Blades." after a while you must escape through the sewers to freedom, your only lead on what to do is the emperor's last words: "Find my last heir, re-light the dragonfires, stop the daedric prince of destruction, and close shut the jaws of oblivion...," then he dies (this is before you escape.) You choose either stealth, combat or magic, which are the types of combat you do. you must level up your character by increasing your major and minor skills.
After you're out, you don't have to do anything. You can do the uber amounts of side quests, buy horses and houses, go adventuring out in the wilderness, ayleid ruins, caves, etc... The main quest isn't very long, but may be hard at certain points.
For some tips:
-have a bow, and be good with it. some enemies you don't wanna whack with a sword or a weak spell.
-whatever class you choose (stealth, magic, combat) become guildmaster of the related guild:
*stealth: thieves guild, dark brotherhood
*magic: mages guild
*combat: fighters guild, the arena, the knights of the nine,the knights of the white stallion,knights of the round,the blades
-be careful what you pick up, this game has an encumberance limit.
-the weapon qualities are, in order by effectiveness:
*rusty iron
*light iron
*fine iron
*fine steel
*the crusader armor
*and enchanted armor is usually at the top of my list
*rough leather
*darkbrotherhood cloak/hood
*the crusader armor
*enchanted armors may vary
cant really think of much more to tell ya, hope i helped. i really know my r.p.g.'s. especially the elder scroll games. and yes, this is a long answer.(to the guy who answer'd this first you claim to know about oblivion but made the mistake of thinking elven was better than glass lol,which i corrected)
- i probably know the most about the elder scrolls series with and without the exspansion packs ( shivering isle, knights of the nine, wizards tower, stronghold, theives den, merunes razor, etc...) i can most likely answer every single one of your questions about oblivion... i don't do cheats either