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What are the top ten sonic games

What are the top ten sonic games
Here's the list for 2009,
Sonic and the Black Knight
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic Adventure 2:Battle
Sonic Chronicles:The Dark Brotherhood
Sonic the Hedgehog[2006] A.K.A. The Next Generation
Sonic Adventure DX:Director's Cut
Sonic Heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Riders:Zero Gravity
Sonic Riders

Here's my list:
10: Sonic Riders ZG
9: Sonic and the Secret Rings
8: Sonic Unleashed
7: Sonic the Hedgehog 3
6:Sonic the Hedgehog 1
5: Sonic Adventure
4: Sonic Advance 3
3: Sonic Adventure 2:Battle
2: Sonic and Knuckles
1: Sonic CD