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How do you play dreamcast games on a laptop

How do you play dreamcast games on a laptop
First off everyone who is reading this.. YOUR WELCOME! :) Well first go to "". Then you go to the emulators link/download the Chankast emulator. After you have done that... go to the roms section for the dreamcast games only and then you download all your roms for dreamcast. Next... make sure you have a different drive like e or something or the emulator WILL NOT WORK. Once you have done this... go to your emulator (Chankast)... right click/extract data.. (First create a new folder named Dreamcast games then you extract the emulator) Then you go to Chankast... go to configure drives... select "e".. then you start your game and you are ready to play an awesome game like MORTAL KOMBAT GOLD! :) Have fun gamers!