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How do you use cheat engines with Roblox

How do you use cheat engines with Roblox
on a tycoon:
1. open a tycoon the program u want 2 cheat( in this case roblox)
3. have some money( ex.35, 20 ,60)
4. in the area where it says hex type in the money u currently have and press enter
continue getting money and doing this until u have only 1 adress.
5. double click at the bottom where it says value now change it 2 as much money as u want.......(hint- u have 2 have donate in the tycoon and donate 2 some1 dont ask me y ...if u dont u cant spend the money)

2nd Method:
Do steps 1-3. Type your current money. If the list is 500 values or less, or the scroll bar is a fourth or larger of the full length, increase ur money on roblox, BUT DON'T CHANGE THE NUMBER IN CHEAT ENGINE!!! Leave it!! Scroll in the list, and look for your number. There should only be a few with your number. Change the number in roblox again, and repeat the process until one is left.