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When do you change jobs in maple story

When do you change jobs in maple story
U change into ur 2nd job (require first job) at lv 30 then u go 3rd job at lv70 (require 2nd job? then u go to 4th job at lv 120 (require 3rd job) but you will need to train extremely hard.
You don't really change 'jobs' but you rank up in that job type (Job Advancements). Ex: 1st is Magician, 2nd at level 30 is Fire/Poison Wizard, Ice/Lightning Wizard, or Cleric, 3rd at Level 70 you rank up from the type you chose at level 30. Ex: Cleric at level 30-70, 70-120 you become a Priest. From 120 (4th job) and up, you are a Bishop. To do Job Advancements, you need to do specific quests or tasks at level 30 (Victoria Island in the town your job is at), 70 (El Nath) and 120 (Leafre).