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What is a cheat for Chuzzle Deluxe

What is a cheat for Chuzzle Deluxe
  • Mind Blending Mind Blender Cheats!!!

OK I am just 8 but i still know.on mind blender i think there are about 20 levels,I already beat 4 levels.anyway you have to try to match the pattern the cheat is if you have to do four chuzzles in the middle(like four yellow chuzzles,2 on top of each other) you have to move one chuzzle into the middle and try to put two chuzzles together that have to go in the middle,and then move the last one under the chuzzles on top of each other and move it up and then move the top chuzzle on the side,than it makes four chuzzles in a group,then its the same with all the others.
  • Classic Chuzzle Awesome Cheats!

When you do the classic chuzzle,at first move a chuzzle somewhere and if it doesn't make a match,without using your points they will cheat and show you about 3 times where to move a chuzzle to make a match!
  • Zen Chuzzle Wicked Cheats!

at first instead of 3 cheats,they show U 8!And my favorite part is when you really need a hint but you don't wanna waste your points,you have to like click on the hint button lots of times(14 times is probably good).then it won't waste your points it will just show a hint!
  • Speeding Chuzzles RACING AGAINST TIME!!!

Use the same cheat,But hurry before you get a lock,click on the hint button 14 times is OK.then it will show yoiu a hint,but on the speed chuzzle,push the hint button 8 times.
i also give cheats on insaquarium deluxe,its like you have real fish,but you don't!