You got Video Game Mixes from stepmania download source but only 1 and 4 worked how do you make it work
You got Video Game Mixes from stepmania download source but only 1 and 4 worked how do you make it work
When exporting (unpacking, extracting, etc.) songs from a .rar or .zip (or other compressed format), it is important to remember that Stepmania only reads the song folder two folders deep.
In other words, you can have a folder in your Songs folder labeled 'VGMP' and in it have a collection of songs. Presuming the songs and files work properly, Stepmania will display them as playable.
However, if you put a folder in 'VGMP' labeled 'VGMP2' and put your songs into
that folder, Stepmania would be unable to read them. I recommend that you double-check your songs folder for the aforementioned problem.