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Are there any online games like feudalism

Are there any online games like feudalism
Renaissance Kingdoms

It is a game dated around the 1400 years, involving the politic,economic and social mechanics of the Middle Ages. It takes only 5 to 10 minutes a day to feed your citizen and find him/her a job for the day. It is free to play, no registration fee involved, or monthly payment. You can get elected as mayor, you can become a count, you can earn a place in the council, or you can become a respected figure in the university. You can become a merchant, and buy cheap on a market, and sell in another one. You can take side in wars, or stay at home in your city and be protected by the local police and army. You can be a thief and sin, or go to church and pray for you and your friends and foes.You can become a farmer and plant wheat, corn, vegetables, or gather fruits, or you can raise pigs, cows, sheeps. You can become a butcher, make weapons, or nice clothes for men and ladies. You can be the good guy or the bad guy, there are so MANY MORE JOBS AND RANKS YOU CAN ACHIEVE.