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How computer games can affect children

How computer games can affect children
Well when I was a kid I played computer games alot. My parents were right about somethings on computer games but some of what they said was a little out there. But in my opinion computer games are'nt bad for kids but play in moderation

I did play a lot of games when I was little too.
It is plausible to believe that violent games breed violent kids, but I beg to differ.
I believe that Violent kids get attracted to violent games.
To summarise this I would claim that it is better for violent kids to live out their violence in games rather than to do this in real life.
Some kids however does not differ fiction and fantasy from real life. This is also true for some adults. I do not believe the games causes this. Not even extensive compulsive gamers.

It is however very important that parents raise their kids and do not buy games for their kids so that the games should raise them instead of themselves.

One can at least try to ask ones kids if what they see in a film or in a game is for real or not. Depending on kids answer one should show them and teach them how certain effects are created so that they can understand how and why they are deceived.
This takes some of the thrill of a movie away, but it really help kids with a reality problem.
