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Can the player or computer win freecell game 30369

Can the player or computer win freecell game 30369
Start with the fourth col. from the left, put the two on top - 10 on top - 3 on the four - 8 on the nine - 8 on top and the black ten goes on the remaining jack.

Move the five of diamonds to the top, 9 on the black 10, black 8 on top goes on the 9 of diamonds, 7 of diamonds on the 8 of clubs, q of spades on the K of diamonds, queen of clubs goes on top.

Q of diamonds and K-spades move over to the empty line. 7 of spades on 8 of diamonds, 5 of diamonds on the 6 of clubs, 5 of spades goes on top and K-clubs goes on top, J spades goes on Q of diamonds.

Next, work on the last col. from the left (3 of spades)

you should be able to get it from here.
