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How do you enter cheats in max payne 2

How do you enter cheats in max payne 2
During gameplay, and NOT while the game is paused, enter the following code. There will be no confirmation of correct code entry, so enter code SLOWLY!
Square (x3), X, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square (x3), X.
If this code doesn.t work, simply reverse, "left, right, left, right" directions to, "right, left, right, left."
Next, press "select" button to go back to the title screen and attempt to start a "New Game". You will notice that all difficulties are now available including the previous "Jump To Chapter" mode.

To type cheats in PC you need to do the following steps-
1-Create a shortcut of your max payne icon.
2-Go to that shortcut and right click and click on shortcut's properties.
3-Its target folder will be written in inverted commas("...")after the commas end,
type "-developer".(not the commas.)
4-Open game with shortcut then only the cheats will work.
5-Once in game click"~"button to bring down console and type cheats.

Note-Inspite of seeing cheats on web , on console type "help" and cheats list will be with you.Use "pg up" and "pg dn" to go up and down.