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What is the best gun in Plazma Burst 2

What is the best gun in Plazma Burst 2
It depends on your preference with guns, how well you can aim, and what you purchased upgrades for. If you have great accuracy, you can use fully upgraded railgun that will always kill the enemy in one hit to the head. If you're not good at aiming, try a more automatic weapon.

Types of people and their best fit gun:

Chaotic: Person who always keep shooting and take opponent head on without using any tactic is best fitted for Civil Security Rifle.

Silent: People who stays in one place and waits for the pray until it comes: Sniper-yipeekiyay.

One shot killer: Shotgun CS-1.

Best guns in a certain situation:

Rocket fight in slow motion: Sword.

Rail spam: Cs- Bng.

BNG Spam: Take cover behind a thin wall and shoot with the marines pistol through the think wall.