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Why do some guys have a hard time expressing their feelings towards the opposite sex

Why do some guys have a hard time expressing their feelings towards the opposite sex
The answer may have something to do with how the brains of both men and women tend to be a bit different. And this will vary quite a bit, so let's talk about the differences without regard to gender, but more about the characteristics of a male oriented brain and a female oriented brain.

There is a part of the brain called the corpus callosum, and it is a bridge of neural tissue that helps the right and left hemispheres of of the brain communicate with each other. It has been found that this 'bridge' is 23% larger in women.

The next thing to consider is that the left hemisphere has more to do with talking and the right hemisphere has more to do with emotions. So since women have a larger connection between the two sides of their brains, they find it easier to talk about their emotions. Men have a harder time connecting the side of their brains that experiences the emotions with the side that does the talking.

So that's why, at least from a biological perspective, it is more difficult for guys to express their feelings to the opposite sex. I am sure there are many other reasons as well; such as upbringing, social, and cultural differences that were learned as behaviors in early childhood, rather than only the aforementioned "hard-wiring".   Because they're insecure and macho and more than likely a follower. Girls hate that. Stick to what you find is true.
