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What is the walkthrough for griswold the goblin

What is the walkthrough for griswold the goblin
Griswold the Goblin Walkthrough is this:

-Get matches, lift rock and take cockroach.
-Walk outside and take blue mushroom .
-Walk down then right to the lumberjack then down again to the tree.
-Look at the bear in his branches.
-Go right twice and speak to the .
-Return to the tree and speak with him.
-Go up and speak with the lumberjack.
-Keep playing tree chopping game until you win then return to the tree and speak with him.
-Take bear and give it to the girl and receive the chips.
-Return to the scene outside your home and then go right until you reach the scene with the chicken.
-Use the chips on the chicken to keep him still then take him.
-Go right one scene and take an apple of the ground.
-Observe the apple in your inventory and remove the worm.
-Go to the scene in-between the tree and the where the stuff is being sold and use the chicken on Gavin the goblin.
-Take the keys off the ground and unlock the cell.

----- Movie -----

-Now your back where you were in the scene where Gavin was selling things.
-Go right then up and use the hand icon on the door of Oscars Oddities.
-speak with Oscar and take the scuba gear.
-Go to the fruit stall outside the shop and take a banana while the man is asleep.
-Go right 2 screens from here and take the book and the 3 potion bottles out of the bin.
-Go back to town then go down once then left into the house and speak with the old lady.
-Go back outside then left three times until you reach the beach
-Fill all your bottles with salt water then go down and speak with the fisherman on the pier.
-Give him the worm, leave the screen then return and speak with the fisherman to get the fish.
-Go back to the scene outside the old ladies house then go down to the farm and light the scarecrow on fire and take the petrol behind him.
-Go right one screen and click on the river with the banana and the monkey will jump into the river, then cross the bridge and enter the next scene.
- Go right from here and enter the graveyard.
- Go down one screen to find the cat hiding in a tree to the right of the screen.
-Speak with it then click on it with the fish and it will jump out to you. Take the cat and go back to the old ladies house and give it to her and receive the fur ball.
-Back to the graveyard and go up once.

----- Movie -----

----- Mini Game -----
You?re now stuck in a coffin. Before your air runs out keep clicking on griswold's feet to make him bang on the roof until it breaks open.

----- Movie -----

Take the bat which flew into the wall and walk out the door. You are back outside the tomb now and will not get attacked by the boogie man again.
- Go to the scene right of the Bridge with the monkey then go up one screen to the waterfall and use the scuba gear on it to get in the water.

----- Mini Game -----
Swim through the underwater cave quickly and go up into each air pocket to get your air back. Continue to swim until you reach the surface.

-Inside the cave you will find a dragon that will kill you unless you have a potion of invisibility.
-In one of the vials you got from the bin put in the cat hair and bat and then click on yourself with the potion and you will become invisible.
-Walk up to the dragon and click on him with the hand.

------ Movie ------

-You are now in the waterfall scene again.
-Go to the gate blocking the path up the mountains and make the meteor spell by putting in the petrol and the scale light it and then click on the wall.

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-Walk through the gate.

------ Movie ------

-The castle door is locked out front, but walk up and there is a small side door with the word ?staff only? written on it.
-Go in and walk right to a scene with bookshelves.
-Click on the book shelf until you pull out a book and the shelf will slide over, taking you into the mages lair.

------ Movie ------

----- Mini Game/Movie -----
Clicking on several things in the scene will do different things.
- If you take too long he hits you with a lightening spell and its game over.
- Click on the couch
- Click on the Mage
- Click on Griswold

-But to win use it on the roof above the mage and it will collapse

------ Movie ------

------ Mini game ------
Griswold is sledding on the snow down the mountain dodging pine trees while escaping the castle.

------ Movie ------

------ THE END show credits -------
by Blindchocolate54546 and Stripedfangisnowdirectorf and Ratatouillegusteaushop