What is the right percentage of humidity for chrysalis B
Yes I do. Here's the list of temperature and humidity if your pet is stuck at one stage:
Temp.(F) Humid. Stage Begins With Stage Ends With Age 120 - 130
120 - 130 5% Fountain of Light Egg 0-.5
90 - 100 N/A* Egg Egg Launch .5-1.0
90 - 100 N/A* Egg Launch WormWalk 1.0-1.5
60 - 70 24% WormWalk Cocoon 1.5-16.5
N/A 92% Cocoon Flaplike 16.5-81.5
70 - 80 48% Flaplike FlapFloat 81.5-121.5
70 - 80 N/A* FlapFloat PreChrysalis 121.5-124.5
N/A N/A* PreChrysalis Chrysalis 124.5-126.5
N/A 33% Chrysalis Elder 126.5-208.5
80 - 90 2% Elder Silkwood!! 208.5-231.5
All temperatures are in Fahrenheit. The temperature settings have a 10 degree tolerance; e.g. 90 - 100, 60 -70, etc.
The humidity settings have a 1% tolerance; e.g.. 24% = 24.0% - 24.9% N/A denotes that the value (temperature or humidity) doesn't matter; i.e. anything between 60 and 130 degrees or 0% to 99%.
* denotes that, for this stage, there is no x10 speed bonus for a humidity "sweet spot" but the stage is already accelerated. AKA short stage. idk, but someone please post