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On drakes fortune how do you do the statues on the sanctuary level

On drakes fortune how do you do the statues on the sanctuary level
All statues need to be facing in towards the compass on the floor. Then the ox (Luke) 90 degrees to the left, turn the lion (Mark) 90 degrees to the right, Turn the eagle (John) 180 degrees and turn the angel (Matthew) 180 degrees*
If you do it correctly, you will know and a bookcase will open, you will see a two torches on columns and you turn them upside down. Then a wall opens and it will lead you to an underground area with a waterfall. Save a gun because armed men with lasers are inside.
Now after you kill the guys wlk aroung in till you see lever?pulley thing and a door will open now you better watch out there are alot of me up there like25 watch out. I died twice.