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Walkthrough for pippa funnell 2 farm adventures

Walkthrough for pippa funnell 2 farm adventures
To start, when you have your foal and horse you need to visit the shop by going through the gate at gingers property then going to the shop to by normal Fodder, carrots and some toys. Go home carress the foal and feed it. Try to get his care levels and happiness lvels up early. To train, you need to build its confidence up by carressing it and feeding it treats every so often.
Go to your horses stall and raise its care levels by brushing it, washing it ect. Then go to train it. Not many tracks will be unlocked. For the ones that are, train on them over and over again and soon every track except for village cross. This will raise your other bars

Resist: Cross
Jump: Show jumping
Skill: Dressage

What many people ask me is how to pirroette in dressage. Simply draw a U.
For pirroette an canter draw a backwards C.

When you feel like it, compete at the carravan and float/trailer.

To earn quick easy tokens, simply copy your horses code, then go to sallys house ( In the village near the shop )select recieve horse, enter code. You will get a horse. Sell the new horse and repeat until you have 99,999 tokens.

If all your horses stats (care skill resist. jump) are at least 4.5 (try to get them full) stars full, visti Luc and choose a mare that looks different to your horse and breed.