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What is the password to unlock all funbrain games

What is the password to unlock all funbrain games
The passwords you're looking for are in links below. They give you the Wild Card game piece. If you want a different game piece than the wild card, go to the website and type in a number other than eight at the end of your password. Here are the numbers:
1 = Rocket
2 = Propeller Hat
3 = Eyeball
4 = Crown
5 = TV
6 = Thunder Cloud
7 = Bone
8 = Wild Card
To use the other seven game pieces, click a related link below. Then, click the address box. Next, click the number at the end of the URL. Next, press the Backspace key on your keyboard. Finally, type in a number for the game piece your favorite game piece. Press the Enter key on your keyboard. Those passwords allow you to play all games. Don't worry about Croc Hopper, because it'll never come.

To get to the last game just type in SPOON8 in the box that says returning users type in password!