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Where is the missing hunter in cabelas dangerous hunts on resquer

Where is the missing hunter in cabelas dangerous hunts on resquer
I have two ways to find the hunter Of course you are going to need a gun to protect yourself from wolves or whatever else may be there to harm you. You need a GPS as well.
coordinates: Latitude: -74
Longitude: 73.08
altitude: -15
 OR  directions: When you start out you need to cross the bridge to the other side of the river. Once you have crossed you need to head NW and keep following this trail along the river. There is only one way to go once you get to the end of this trail, go left or S. At this point you are very close to the hunter but he is hard to find because he is laying down in the tall grass against a small rock. He will be to the left side of the holler to the left of the second tall tree.