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On which planet do the battle brawlers live bakugan

On which planet do the battle brawlers live bakugan
Not on a planet. But the Bakugan live in a parallel Universe called Vestroia. They got in the human world when Alice's Grand Father Michael G. got sent in Vestroia. The negative energy of the silent core controlled him, and he became an evil green man, with a pink beard named Hal G! It had a big effect on Alice too! The negative energy from the mask that appeared in her hands out of no where turned her into Masquerade! That's how he knew everything the Brawlers were up to. But then Michael showed Naga how to make portals using the card. Then Naga made a portal and went to steal the Infinity and Silent Core. But the Silent Core overpowered him and he got stuck inside! Causing mayhem in Vestroia. Then, the worlds in Vestroia collapsed, causing the Bakugan to cross over to Earth in the cards that were falling from the sky. That's how the humans got the Bakugan. Drago was with Naga, trying to talk him out of it. But he couldn't. Then Reaper ended up fighting Drago, and they crossed over in the middle of the battle between Dan and Shuji. And that's how it all began. Got any other questions about Bakugan? Ask me, Greg Taylor, and you'll understand perfectly.