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How old is Luke Skywalker

How old is Luke Skywalker
In Revenge of the Sith (lll)he was born, 19 in A New Hope (IV), 22 in The Empire Strikes Back (V), and 26 in Return of the Jedi (VI).
This brings on another puzzle:
Luke is born after his father, Anakin (age 20ish) is struck down by Obi Wan (age 40ish). Then, 19 years later... Luke meets Obi Wan, who is apparently in his late 70s. Then about 7 years later, Luke (age 26) removes the helmet from Darth Vader and reveals his father...who is appears to be about 68 years old.

I believe the appearance of Vader can be explained by the trauma his body undertook in the battle against Obi Wan in Episode III. I think that is all the explanation needed, but you could certainly say that the mechanical body that is preserving his physical being is not perfect and his physical body is subject to decay.

In ep.III he was born,ep.IV luke was 19,ep.V he was 22 and in ep.VI he was 23.