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Is Megaman Starforce Leo Starforce dragon or Starforce pegasus better

Is Megaman Starforce Leo Starforce dragon or Starforce pegasus better
The starforce power is the only thing that changes.Pegasus can beat Leo,and Leo can beat Dragon.They all rock just don't get Dragon it sucks. However i disagree with Dragon Sucking, all of them are basically the same but with different elemental attacks (Leo Kingdom = Fire, Pegasus Magic = Ice, Dragon Sky = Grass) so dependeding on which element you like best for me it was dragon sky and Elemental Cyclone Well, about the system of Dragon, Pegasus, and Leo, there is somewhat of a triangle. Pegasus's Ice power is strong against Leo, but weak against Dragon; Leo's Fire is powerful against Dragon but weak against Pegasus; Dragon's sky power is good against Pegasus but weak against Leo. And in conclusion, the only real difference between them is the power you get. Personally, i prefer Dragon and Pegasus. But that;s my opinion. Besides, the only time you would need the "God Powers" to matter is vs elemental bosses or other players. It crushes anything else.