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How to get lots of z-bucks on zwinky

How to get lots of z-bucks on zwinky
to unlock clothes go to wardrobe and pic the shirt and press ctrl+n it works but i did it but it does not work what should i do There are no more cheats! When Miss Casey died ((before i think)) she removed all cheats! So just do it the right way! But here's a way to get it your wardrobe unlocked quickly and get a lot of zbucks! Go to the university and then go to campus dash...then you play it until it wont let you get anymore money or anything...then you do the same thing the next day! if you alread have some zchievements it'll be really easy! I figured this out a while back and now i help people do it! I don't hack either because I have a zcard and everythign so....yeah my user is princess5282 and if u can't find me go to youtube and look for lona1366 if tht doesn't work go to [email protected] or [email protected] :]]]]] hope i helped!