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Are there mermaids in the ocean

Are there mermaids in the ocean
There hasn't been solid evidence of mermaid's existence my friend but that doesn't mean they don't exist. If stories of mythical creatures don't exist then where did the stories come from? You see, a sailor may get drunk but a sailor is a sailor none the less and they have the limited knowledge of the sea so they know what a manatee looks like. And a mermaid and manatee look totally different even from afar.
Science cannot prove the existence of merfolks just like they cannot prove the existence of god.
You must know 3/4 of the earth is enveloped by water and like the universe the ocean is still an undiscovered territory; the only place on earth mankind cannot live in which is why they can only travel as far and as deep as the ship's fuel can take them which isn't much really.
Do I believe mermaids are real and live in the ocean? Let me answer this as honestly as I can. I know they exist my friend. Like ancient wisdom 'Where there is darkness there shall be light' or 'There is no darkness without light.' same meaning, alright. I hope I haven't lost you.
There is a place deep in the ocean where man cannot or lets say haven't been able to reach. This place will be easy to find because it is the only thing glowing bright in the deepest, dark depth. The roughest task for man to reach this place is the ability to withstand water itself and be able to breathe. The water will test your strength and only let you surpass if you win it's approval and allow you to reach the bright place where mermaids dwell because they are mystical being after all.
How do I know this? Now that I cannot prove but my words speak the truth.