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Clear vision elite walkthrough

Clear vision elite walkthrough
Athir Nasri: stay still and dont shoot and you win
Stainslav Petrov: shoot the one without a gun first then shoot the other
Anders Magnusson: go on the second row and count 13 windows and shoot.
Ernest Zimmerman: once the windows light up shoot his head
Tony Carter: shoot the small box which the electric cord above his head leads to
Aace Bradley: shoot the four guys in this order: Top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right
Mike Fernando: Use the Barret M701 and shoot the goons left to right. you don't need the zoom just make sure there heads are in range of the very small box in the middle. Shoot the guy who is sleeping last.
Johan Kristoffersson: shoot the goon fixing the boxes, the the one next to him, and then the other one at the right. After that the other one will appear and try shooting him. Preferably use the S R200.