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Is it wrong for a husband to move video games to your bedroom TV when he has games on every TV in the house and on his computer already plus a golf obsession and game night with the boys

Is it wrong for a husband to move video games to your bedroom TV when he has games on every TV in the house and on his computer already plus a golf obsession and game night with the boys
Yes it is wrongit is kind of wierd for adults to still like games because first to have enough time to do it, and because u would have to concentrate on the job u have most likely taking all there time thus not being able to play games
and being an addict of games can mess up ur eye sight , spend all ur money causing financial problems, and wil probably make a pretty big mess in ur house .....So to answer ur question it is a bit wrong ...But u also have to look at his side and see if its wrong or not by playing his games and see if there fun of just plain wrong.
 It sort of depends. If he's really so totally obsessed with video games that he neglects you (and your children if you've got any) or any of his other duties, then totally.

But if he's just a simple video game lover and hasn't forgotten his primary duties (including those to his wife), then you've not much to worry about. You just married a gaming nerd, that's all. Nothing wrong with that.

As long as it doesn't affect his job or the way he treats you, it's perfectly healthy to be a simple gaming nerd and to have a weekly game night (unless he has one like every freakin' night?).

You might even consider having some sort of weekly event with your own friends as well. A girl's night out, if you will, whilst the boys are in their own little world.
[And I wholeheartedly disagree with the person above me in regards to it being "weird" for adults to be playing video games - video games are fun for people of all age groups, genders and whatnot. Like rock music or other things parents hope their kids will grow out of, we do not, in fact, grow out of playing video games. It's just like any other hobby, you know.]
I agree with the second person it doesn't matter how old you are, you can play vidoe games no matter what age you are. People play games to escape real life or to get rid of stress. If his wife posted this maybe she should try video games before she says anything bad about them:-(