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How do you play poker

How do you play poker

basic rules

Like most games, the objective is to beat the other player(s)
There are many varieties of poker games but they all follow the same basic format:
  • Players contribute toward a central 'pot' that contains play chips or chips representing actual money
  • Players are dealt cards (a 'hand'), some or all of which are concealed
  • Wagers are made on the strength of the cards in rounds of betting
  • After the betting rounds are over, the player with the strongest hand - or the last player left standing after the others have folded - wins!

betting rules

In a game of limit poker, the amount you are allowed to bet is limited to a specific size. This limit is in the name of the poker game ($3/6, $20/40, etc.).
So, for example, if you're playing in a '$1/2 limit' game, the minimum sizes of the bets would be:
  • Pre-flop (before the flop): $1
  • On the flop (when the three first community cards have been dealt): $1
  • On the turn (when the fourth community card has been dealt): $2
  • On the river (when the fifth and last community card has been dealt): $2

Note that you can't make a smaller bet than the big blind. Furthermore, all raises must be done in increments of the betting amounts.
For example, in a $1/2 limit game, the raises will be as follows, limited to four times the first bet that was made:
  • Pre-flop: $1, $2, $3 up to $4
  • On the flop: $1, $2, $3 up to $4
  • On the turn: $2, $4, $6 up to $8
  • On the river: $2, $4, $6 up to $8

One version of poker is 7 hand poker. It is most commenly played OUTSIDE the casino. Here is how you play:
  1. Step 1
    Lay out the coins. Set out seven coins on a table lined up in a row.
  2. Step 2
    Draw cards. To begin, each player will draw eight cards from the deck. These cards will help you to create poker hands.
  3. Step 3
    Choose your hand. The first player up will choose a poker hand from the eight cards; the hand can vary from one to five cards. Poker hands (in value, low to high) are as follows: high card, one pair, two pair, three of a kind, straight, flush, full house, four of a kind, straight flush and royal flush.
  4. Step 4
    Lay down your hand. Once you have chosen your poker hand, lay it face-down on the table. Your opponent will then tell you where to lay the hand (which coin to place it in front of).
  5. Step 5
    Draw more cards. Once you have laid your hand, draw three more cards to replenish your stock. You will do this after each hand you lay on the table.

There are a large number of poker games, you can find the full rules for each type in the related link.