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Can you attack whales on jaws unleashed

Can you attack whales on jaws unleashed

If you want to kill/ find Whales in Jaws Unleashed you need to go to the far side of the maps: eg. Open Ocean West: you go < way.

There are Whale Sharks, Narwhales and Killer Whales for you to kill, If your in any place ( must be in Open Ocean ) just go as far away from Amity Island as you can. In one Side, I think it's East, there won't be any Whales just lots and lots and lots of friendly sharks.

I know this might sound weird, but I look after the other small sharks, as long as they don't attack me! I feed them too, I don't know why I do it, It's because I love animals but I wanted to get the game because I love to watch JAWS!

Hope this helps you!
Chaz xxx