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How can you get a garden in Webkinz

How can you get a garden in Webkinz
To get a garden on webkinz you'll have to be willing to spend a lot of money. You can go to the W-shop and get a bunch of cool garden stuff. You can get fake plants (that way you dont have to remember to water them...) pool, a bench a fence, trees, and fountain, and there hot tubs you can put outside and your pet can actually do into them. You can also add barbecues and palm trees, growing your own vegetables like carrots, and other greens. You have to remember to rake and water them or then they will die. If you take care of the garden you can harvest them and feed them to your pet. To get a garden you have to click map on your room. Then, you'll see another tab where you will see different sizes. you can click one. And then customize your room with a pool and some plants. Have fun :]


Actually, I think you want to know how to grow a garden. First, you'll need a yard. If you don't have one, click on the "Map" button in your room, click "Buy A Room" and buy a Yard. Then go to the "Gardening" section in the W-shop. Buy as many seeds if you want. Make sure to read about how many of that fruit/vegetable the seeds will grow. Then buy the seeds and drag them into your yard. Click the "OK" button, then the "Walk" button, then click on your plants. It will ask you if you want to garden; click yes. You need to rake and water every day. Soon you will have some fruits/vegetables to harvest! if you want to buy the gardening book.