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Are the fusion fall and dc hero in sega

Are the fusion fall and dc hero in sega
no there are not in sega there belong in there own universe dexter will die and dc are normal peopleand Philip the hedgehog beat sonic? no sonic allways said to Philip "you are not strong to beat me nor the chaos power"sonic cannot be affected by the force attack and maren the hedgehog(guardenian) has the same power as Philip he can defeat with a chaos emerald or more emerald and maren sometime has feeling for shade the echidna but he does not love her only for as a friend and Philip"team chaos" member are shadow,rouge,e-123 omega,eggman,mephiles,nazo,black doom,team chaxcix, moise the echidna,metal sonic,metal over lord,metal knuckles,dark super sonic,mighty
demon sonic and shadow,blade the hedgehog,blue,king scorge the hedgehog and Fiona the fox,and chaos