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What are souls

What are souls

According to the Christian View:

Souls are the essence of each person, your conscienceness, so to speak. Without a soul we would not have a personality, psyche, reason, or anything, but be empty shells of humans. Souls are the life breathed in us and the origin of the energy needed to take each breath. According to Genesis 2:7 "the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

But there are many different views and definitions of "soul", and some people believe that souls do not exist.

Nobody on this planet could tell you with 100% certainty what a soul is.

Albert Einstein:

Einstein denies the existence of an immortal soul, but believes in a life force that everyone holds. There is no eternity to it because it is an energy all the same as light or heat
  • A soul is a made-up thing by religions in order to lure and frighten you into that religion. Either the promise of an 'after-life' or the scare of 'an eternity in hell' will do the trick for most. But trust me, when you die there's nothing left, not even a soul :)


This is just my view point of it, I believe the Soul is the part of you that lives forever, that your soul is the key to your afterlife, in whatever religion you believe. I also like to think that laughter is the language of the soul. The soul is one of those eternal question that we as human will probably never know of. To find out what a soul means to you don't ask other people, look into your soul and find out what it means you you.