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What is a code for a rare pet

What is a code for a rare pet
i don't know all the secrets but Roxy i do know, most people know how to get her but i will point it out anyway. When you are logging in you may notice a small bar under the password bar. Next to it say: If you have a code type it in here, well something like that. Type in
in capitals then click on login. Go to your Moshling garden. Click the little bag near the tree were a orange and yellow bird is sitting, your seeds go in there. In the bag there should be a RADIANT ROXY ROSE. Click it. And hold it. And drag it to one of the little dirt holes. Then if you don't already have 2 other seeds of any type click the bag again. Then click seed cart or super seed cart. You need 15 rox to buy a plant. When you have 2 go back to your garden by clicking TO MY GARDEN. Click the red bag again. And then drag the 2 other seeds to the 2 other dirt holes. Then you have to wait 12 hours for it to fully grow. After 12 hours go back to your garden and you should have Roxy. If you don't dig up your Rox plant or wait longer. If you get a Rox plant you should get rox when you dig it up. Don't plant the same plant again. Plant another one or it will stuff up again and you will get another rox plant.