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Is there going to be a full auto 3

Is there going to be a full auto 3
Not likely.
Pseudo Interactive have shut down but they were working on several projects- one of which was a rumoured Carmageddon sequel and another game that could have been Full Auto 3... least in the early stages.

I spoke to several of the guys (and girls) who worked on the series and the project that was in development was only called 'Full Auto 3' for a short while.

It actually evolved into a completely new game that would have inherited some of the FA features.

The project had at least two tentative titles which were 'DCAP' and 'Divided City'

I know where to find screenshots and running video of this project and you can instantly see that it had a similar style to the Full Auto games.

If anyone's interested in links to the sites with this info email me @ [email protected]