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Do you know any allgirlarcade cheats

Do you know any allgirlarcade cheats
You guys might already know this cheat but... you probably forgot about it because of the new allgirlarade....
It is the copy clothes cheat
It still works...
If ya don't know it I will tell it to ya
First log into your account.. go to sparkcity...
When it is done loading and your in main street or wherever...
log into the other account that has cute clothes (don't go on sparkcity for that on)... then when the other account is logged in go to your account with sparkcity
click where it says change clothes...
Then all their clothes will be on your account,, put on the clothes you want
Be sure to log off of both accounts
Then log in again to your clothes and walah you still have all your clothes but you are wearing one of the cutest outfits ever...
Thank you I hope this helps you
If you need clothes and you don't have other acouutns or freinds that will give ya clothes add me Jamie6362
And ill be sure to give you the cutest clothes ever thanks