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Hamsterz life 2 how to get a baby

Hamsterz life 2 how to get a baby
You need a male and female hamster which you can purchase at the pet shop. I think that Golden hamsters (the big hamsters) and the Dwarf Hamsters (the small hamsters) will not breed <YES THEY WILL, MINE JUST DID>. Anyways you will have to partner them, transfer them to the same cage, after that you will partner them you can do this by tapping the partner button. Make sure the two hamsters like each other, you will know because the hamsters will push each other over (playfully). If the hamsters push each other over and lightning bolts show (that means they don't really like each other)<IT DOES NOT MATTER IF THEY LIKE EACH OTHER OR NOT, THEY GET OVER IT>. People say to transfer the hamsters to the same cage, charge your DS, and over night or all day leave your hamsters in the SAME CAGE. Make sure your DS is charging! When you wake up go to the pet shop and chat with the employees, they will then tell you if your hamster is pregnant, follow their directions and your done! All you need to do now Is wait a few days (7-10) and the babies will be born. to have there baby quicker save the game turn it off and then change the date 10 days later {just to be sure} turn it off go on to hamster 2 and choose your pregnant hamster and ta DA you have a baby hamster have fun <IF YOU DONT LIKE THE BABY HAMSTERS COLOR TURN IT OFF WITHOUT SAVING TO GET A DIFF. COLOR!>i turned off my ds 15 times and got a star hamster!!