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What kind of effects are there when violent video games are played by youth

What kind of effects are there when violent video games are played by youth
These types of questions are one of my favorites to discuss. Many people believe that if a young kid plays violent video games, then he will become a killer. This is NOT true. Granted some kids may get it in to their heads to kill, but keep in mind those kids a REALLY screwed up and also it's the parents job to keep violent games away from the age limits that might be the most affected by it. For example a three-year-old shouldn't be playing GTA. There is a point, however, where children understand what is real, and what isn't. There have been numerous studies in this area and after young kids (ages 10-16) have played these games they all say the same thing: "I understand it is not real life." I personally would assume that 99 percent of parents would keep violent video games away from kids until, at least, they reach their teen years. There will, however, be a few cases of mentally disturbed children who might take ideas from games to commit crimes, but who's to say they wouldn't have just found another outlet, say movies, to get their ideas. I myself remember when I started to play M-Rated games, my first was The Punisher on Xbox, at about age 13, and I do still remember how freaked I was at the massive change from Teen to Mature. I am today not even in the slightest affected by these games. After I finished playing my first M game I had no desire to go out and kill, and I still have no desire after 5 years of playing mainly M-Rated games. There will always be the odd-one-out who might just have a mental breakdown due to games, but keep in mind that films and music in their own ways are just as violent. Also the parents should be in control of getting games because a parent must physically buy the game for the child, and if your too lazy to monitor something as simple as that, then you shouldn't even have a kid. My last statement, to state how games, in moderation, can actually be helpful. I know that studies have shown that children playing video games actually have increased brain activity and can also make important decisions faster then kids who don't play games. The reason for this is that no matter what game you play you are forced to make decisions, and so, this trains you brain to act faster.