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Can you remove school website blocks

Can you remove school website blocks
Generally if you can get around a block, you would still get in trouble for screwing around durring school time. However, if your school's filter blocks harmless websites like my school does, there are a few ways around this:
1. Proxies. Use a proxy aggregator ( to find proxies before they can be blocked. They have inconspicuous names, such as "", so they won't be blocked.
2. TOR. Bad idea on a school network, but still an option. It's meant to be used for anonymity, but it unblocks things, too. It is VERY slow, especially on networks that are already slow, but it could work for some things. However, this will look suspicious to people watching the network (IT), people watching the school (state government), and others, as it is usually used for illegal purposes.
3. Hotspot. Use a 3G or 4G cell phone for tethering to your computer, and it won't be connected to the schools network at all. However, this is costly, and the connection may be slow.
4. VPN. Similar to a proxy, but it's much faster. Sadly, any VPN worth using will cost you money, though it's absolutely worth it if you have a debit card and a few bucks.
5. Wait until you get home. If you've read this through till the end, you've obviously got lots of time to waste at home, spend it on video games and social networking sites.