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How do you get a perfect environment in Animal Crossing

How do you get a perfect environment in Animal Crossing
ask the bird in the town office and then select 'environment'. she will tell you what needs to be improved. problem is, if you need more tree's you might plant them and they might not register until they're fully grown, so you have to wait, then go to her again and ask again. if she tells you there are too many trees, then cut down one, visit her, cut down another, visit her again, do this again and again until she says something different than that there are too many trees. i hate that she will never tell you the right amount... she might tell you other things as well, like that there is too much rubbish. this might mean that there is a pressie lying around, or it might just mean there is rubbish or a pit-fall seed sitting around as trash. hope i helped...