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Star Wars battle front 2 glitches

Star Wars battle front 2 glitches
i have a ps2 version and you may have it for PC but on kamino you can get stuck in the central platform. Aside from that i have not found anything else except that once i was battling my friend as boba fett and my flame was on him the whole battle with out doing any damage until he died.

now battle front #1 there are loads of glitches. Ren Var citadel has so many imperfect edges nooks and corners it is extremely easy to find one on your own. When spawning as empire and or clones the stairs tha make grenade throwing open season have a small "damaged looking" crevice. if you jump in this crevice you are stuck floating. sometimes you will spin around but sooner or later your health will depleate rapidly and you will die. another ren var is when jumping out of the central building your head can get stuck in the ice while you are still alive then you should just re-spawn. one last one is there is a broken pillar like thing at the empires and clones spawning place if you step on it you will lose control and slide forward.

there are a lot more but i have to go do homework