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What do you do in spy island

What do you do in spy island
to begin with:
start out by going to headquarters on your right. go to the top of it and talk to director d. click on the third question and he will give you the decoder. now exit out of headquarters and climb on top of it and to your right. now, talk to the person you see there and talk to him. he will give you a secret message. decode it if ou wish. it will say "opposite direction". now, climb down the building and go all the way to your right until you see the buiding that says "spyglass eyewear." enter it. talk to docter spyglass and take the eye exam. do what the message says and click on the symbols opposite of what he points to. he will tell you to go upstairs. exit the building and climb the ladder then enter the door that you see. now, talk to him again and he will give you the camelion suit. put it on. now that you have that on every tiime you stand still you will "blend in. (if your computer has a glich in it and every time you stand still you just wont blend in that is okay. to the b.a.d agents you will still blend in)"
the first agent:
exit spyglass eyewear and go all the way to your left to the docks. once you are at the docks, click on the guy in the garbage can. he will give you a secret message. decode it if you wish. it will say "on the roof" now, using the docks, climb up onto the roof that you see. go to the edge of it and jump as far as you can to the right. you are on the warehouse roof. enter the door you see but be careful! if those bad agents see you move they will hit you! once you are in, go to your right avoiding the dogs using you camelion suit. just keep going right or left until you are finally out of the place of the dogs. jump all the way to your left and keep on jumping from platform to platform until you reach the little room. ener through roof and click on the agent. he will give you a laser pen that you will need later. yay! you saved the first agent! now for the second...
the second agent
now exit out of the docks and back to mainstreet. go all the way to your right and into balding avenue. click ont the first person you see. he will give you a secret message decode it if you wish. it will say "fingerprint" now, go all the way to your right and talk to the guy you see there. he will give you file x. now, go to toupe terace. you will see instructions for reading file x. when you read it the secret way it will say to not trust directer d. although that is sadly true you still have to do everything he says until the end. cross the shocking door and climb the windows, while trying to not get shocked. once you are at the top (this may take a few trys) click on the barred windows and use your laser pen to get inside. go to your left and click on the agent. he will give you the grappling bowtie. if you put it on then whenever you jump just click again and you will grapple! yay! you save the second agent! now for the third...
the third agent:
now, go back to balding avenue. enter the b.a.d bistro and go to your right. apply for the job and take the chef test and take the guys water glass. climb the fridge and get out throught the secret exit. jump from light to light until you are at the end. exit the building. put your spy gear back on and clibm to the top of all the buildings. once you are at the top of the building that has the guy on top of it jump all the way to your right and grapple. go to rooftops. jump to your left and grapple ontop of the building with the b.a.d agent. avoid him and go to the edge. jump to the very top avoiding the laser. this may take some time. now enter the green house. go all the way to the right and get a cherry bomb. bounce it and push it all the way to the top right and in front of the cage holding the agent avoiding the chomping plants. click on her and she will give you these goggle things. yay! you saved the third agent! now for directer d...
directer d:
exit the green house and back to balding avenue. go to toupe terace and then all the way to your right. and through the fence. put the goggles on. avoid the lasers and go to your right. climb the roof. get onto the elevvater thingy and go up then left then up and finally up. click on the door and use the cup to enter. avoiding the lasers climb the platforms and click on the computer. directer d will get you out of the cage. go to your items and put the password together. it will say "laser hair removal" click on the computer again and type laser ten click enter and then hair then enter and finally removal and enter. go into the teleporter. once you are in there the mini bots will come out stand under the ball things on you left and your right and they will explode. once you have defeated all four of them directer d will be after you! grapple away form him and eventually he will give up! you will be sent back to headquatrters where he is in a cage and you get a medal!!! yay! you finished the island!