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Can video games kill you

Can video games kill you
Not directly. However, there have been numerous cases in which prolonged, intense sessions of gaming have resulted in a person's death. One reason is that gamers will often be sitting in the same position for many hours on end. After a very prolonged period of sitting in the same position (if I had to guess, around as little as 18 hours or as much as 36 hours) a blood clot can form in a major artery. The blood clot will likely remain dormant until the player takes a break, and as soon as they change positions and/or stand up the blood clot can become dislodged and shoot into the person's heart causing cardiac arrest. Other things unrelated to blood clots, usually related to extreme hypertension, can lead to a gamer's death.

So, no, not directly. The sedentary nature of gaming can definitely lead to issues that can lead to the death of those who game.