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What are the cheats for Fate the game

What are the cheats for Fate the game
Hold the ctrl, shift, and `(next to the 1 key) at the same time, and a ?-like symbol will appear on the left of the screen. Type in a certain word or words that make up the name of a specific item (such as a certain potion, spell, fish, etc.), and hit enter; this will cause that item to appear out of thin air. By typing "ascend x" or "descend x", you will get a message asking if you want to go up / down x levels of the dungeon (this means you can save up on town portal scrolls and not worry about where the stairs are). Type "gold", and you will get a 500,000 Gold. Type "fame", and you will get a ton of Fame points. Type, "god", and you will automatically gain 5 levels. As you can see, it's wholly possible to finish the game in an hour or less.