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What is World of Warcraft pvp

What is World of Warcraft pvp
PvP (Player-versus-Player) is an activity you can do in World of Warcraft, where you compete against other players. There are several ways in which this is possible:

1) World PvP/Open zones
Some places, like Tol Barad and Wintergrasp, have regular timers at which PvP battles are fought.

2) Battlegrounds
You can join battlegrounds, whether alone, in a group or as a guild, to compete against a team of players from the opposite faction (Alliance versus Horde) to gain honor and reputation with the BG factions.

3) Arenas
Arenas are teams of 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5 players who are set against each other in one of several random arenas. In this type of fight, you can find yourself facing teams of the same faction, as well as the opposite faction.