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How do you get Arceus with ar

How do you get Arceus with ar
To get arceus with AR you need to get a code for the azure flute. Ihave 267 arceus that i found in the wild so if you acidentally kill it don't worry. When you type in the code for AR hold down L and R while walking in a pokemart and you will see a guy in a green suit. This is the same guy that gives you the members card to get darkrai. Talk to him and get the azure flute. Now climb Mt. Coronet again. When you get to the top play the flute and save before you go to the top. When your at the top you will see a level 80 arceus. This is the highest level of arceus so i wouldnty kill it. But you will see more wild arceus but this is the strongest. I just chucked a master ball at it and that's why i have 267 arceus in their level 40s and 1 level 80.
Or search "is there an arceus cheat"