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Why is my CPU usage so high when I meet the system requirements of games

Why is my CPU usage so high when I meet the system requirements of games
Remember that there are two different requirements on a game, minimum and recommended.

If you are running the minimum requirements and there is anything else running in the background then you can expect high CPU usage.

If you are running the recommended requirements, or higher, and still having high CPU usage it is usually time to start the task manager, chose all processes from all users, then click on CPU. Usually the first process on the list is the System Idle Process, if there is a process that is using more CPU processing than that you need to find out what it is. As a tech since 1992 there is a truism that usually applies, rebooting fixes 99% of all issues. That being said, if you have rebooted and cannot find the process that is stealing your CPU power, it would be a good time to run both your anti-virus and a good malware program.