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What is storytelling in video games

What is storytelling in video games
Storytelling, simply put is the telling of a story in video games. In old video games, they didn't really need stories because they were so simply, and the newer games had more structure to the story, considering the game even had one. Let's take Super Mario for instance; the guy Nintendo like to re-use whenever a new console of theirs is released. Mario on the Nintendo Entertainment System was pretty simple. You jumped over enemies to get points and you were given a button called "Pow" in big capital letters in the middle if you ever struggled. There was no story there whatsoever unless you made one up. Then Super Mario Bros came along which featured Mario having to save the princess from the evil Bowser. We're already being given some storytelling, we're saving the princess from a castle. Mario keeps getting the wrong castle, where toad says she's in another castle, but that's also part of the story. Mario got the wrong castle so he has to go to another one and then (finally) rescue the princess from Bowser. However what Bowser wanted to do with her is up to you to decide. ;)

However simply put, as I said, the storytelling of a game is the plot in which the game is given motive.