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How do you beat Pursuing the Ark on Indiana Jones

How do you beat Pursuing the Ark on Indiana Jones
This is one of the more complicated levels in the game. First you have to fix the crane and find (unearth) all of the pieces to the railroad track. Push the cart out about half-way and let Marion jump to the other side (since she can leap higher). Build the rope thing and pull down both the activator ropes. When you come into the second area, you must find a general (wearing a funny, equipable hat) and fool the guard at the tower with it on. The enemies there never stop coming out so don't try to defeat them all. Run through the opened gate and find/build the fan things then put them into the other gate. (The baddies here do eventually leave.) To find the second fan you must go to the left side of the area and dig up the chest that holds a key. Turn the switch and wait until it gets to the end of the zip line. Still using Marion, jump over to the hanging wire and get to the second platform. Plug the key into the switch and turn it until it stops. Get to the end and pull down the lever to make the final fan drop. Build it and place it in the other side of the gate. When inside you will be greeted by one of Indiana Jones's coolest however unnamed bad guys (the Enemy Boxer as they call him). To beat him, pick up the anvil just above the entrance and hold it near him. He will try to punch you but will hit the anvil instead. After that, a truck with five army men in it will come out. Hop in the plane and press the "B" Button to shoot missiles and BLOW IT UP! Build the remaining bits and pieces to get another anvil and do the same as last time. Repeat this process with the other truck and eventually a cut-scene will start showing the enemy getting his head popped off (Don't worry. It's not graphic. It's Lego) the part when they drive away with the ark. In order to beat this part and the rest of the level, simply defeat all of the emerging bad guys and hop into enterable trucks. DRive along and keep on beating people until you reach the truck with the ark in the back (visible). Hold "A" to accelerate and ram into the car where Belloq, Toht and Dietrich are. A final cut-scene will appear of Indy, Sallah and Marion driving off with the ark and getting on the cargo boat. The level will end, showing all of your found artifacts, obtained treasure and unlocked characters. For some reason, I have not been able to get past the plane in free play so make sure you get the artifact on the little vehicle that pops up out of nowhere in the car chase. Also explore a little bit. You never know what you may find...